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06 Apr, 2021

Top 6 Interview Questions to ask a Business Analyst

Are you looking for the top business analyst interview questions? You’re at the right place!

It is a highly competitive field and every year a multitude of applicants want to get into it. Business analysis these days is a technical field as well and there are plenty of technical questions that you will face in an interview. We all know the importance of interviews and how first impressions can create a long-lasting impact on a potential employer.

Business Analyst Interview Questions

This is the reason why you need to prepare before you approach your business analyst interview questions. There can also be business analyst scenario based interview questions, which are another story altogether. But because of this, you have to make sure you’re on guard and fully prepared.

Here are the top 5 business analyst Interview Questions:

1. What are some of the documents a business analyst is required to prepare?

Business analysts are required to deliver a number of documents that include:

  • User Stories
  • Requirement management plans
  • Use cases
  • Tests cases
  • Business requirement documents
  • Requirement Traceability Matrix
  • System and Functional Requirement Specification
documents a business analyst is required to prepare

In order to prepare for Business Analyst Interview Questions, it is necessary to get a firm grip over the above questions as they can lead towards further scrutiny from your interviewer.

2. What is Gap Analysis?

A fundamental in business analysis. Gap Analysis is a technique which analyzes the gap apparent in an existing system and the targeted one. Gap is simply meant to be the amount of tasks needed to get to the required results. In essence, Gap Analysis is supposed to present performance based comparison and is very commonly asked in Business Analyst Interview Questions.

Gap Analysis

3. What is SRS and its Elements?

SRS or System Requirements Specification, is a document or a set of documents that describe the features of a software application. These features include elements that define its intended functionality which are the requirements of a stakeholder. The scope of SRS includes the functional and non-functional requirements, data models to be adopted, and dependencies and acceptance criteria for a successful software application.

4. Which Business Intelligence tools are you familiar with?

You need to tell them all the tools that you have experience in. Some of the commonly used business intelligence tools include SAP Business Objects, SAS Business Intelligence and MicroStrategy. One of your selling points could be on how apt you are with these tools as these tools are a prerequisite in most Business Analyst Interview Questions.

Business Intelligence tools

5. What is the role of Flowcharts in Business Analysis:

This can be considered a trick question as many people jump into explaining what a flowchart is rather than explaining why flowcharts are made. A good response is to showcase the flexibility of flowcharts to enable technical and non-technical members to understand what is to be achieved.

Flowcharts in Business Analysis

6. What Are Personas?

Personas are a vital part of user-centered design methodologies. Business analysts need to come up with fictional characters or personas based on demographic criteria as well as behavioral scenarios. Personas are quite fundamental in Business analyst interview questions but remember they can sometimes be tricky.


In a Nutshell

Preparing for Business Analyst Interview Questions can take time as the field is immense and there are just too many things in it. However, it’s the kind of job you have applied to and how you’re prepared that counts.

Move your concept one step closer.